by Liz Sandals,
Ontario is re-introducing legislation to protect children and students by making the disciplinary
process for the province educators more clear and transparent.
If passed, the Protecting Students Act and subsequent regulations would improve the Ontario
College of Teachers; investigation and disciplinary processes, reduce the potential of conflict of
interest and help protect children, students and teachers by:
• Ensuring a teacher's certificate is automatically revoked if he or she has been found
guilty of sexual abuse or acts relating to child pornography
• Requiring employers, including school boards, to inform the college when they have
restricted a teacher's duties or dismissed him or her for misconduct
• Allowing the college to share information with the school board or employer if the
subject of a complaint poses an immediate risk to a student or child
• Requiring the college to publish all decisions from its discipline committee
• Improving timelines for the investigation and consideration of complaints.
Protecting the safety of our children is a part of the province's plan to build an education
system where all students and educators can reach their full potential.