The Duncan Academy COVID 19 Management Plan


Planning the return to school for domestic and International students:


On July 30, 2020, the Ontario Government announced the Guide for Reopening Ontario Schools. This is the guidance The Duncan Academy is using for the reopening of our school for all students, including our international students. The Duncan Academy is committed to provide a safe healthy school environment for students, teachers and staff, and safeguarding the broader communities in which we all live in, as well as consistently high-quality education for every student. The Duncan Academy will work within provincial and local health guidelines and protocols for businesses and other organizations consistent with the Government of Ontario’s plan for reopening the province in stages:


Any costs associated with providing protective equipment for students and staff as required in the implementation of the requirements set out in this document will be covered by The Duncan Academy.

Where special costs are required for quarantining, these will be reviewed with the student by the homestay family



For the up-coming 2020-2021 school year:


Our school will open using an adapted model, with class cohorts of no more than 15 students, attending on alternate days, or alternate schedules that would represent in-person attendance for at least 50% of instructional days.


Students are required to wear non-medical masks or face coverings indoors on school property and on school buses. Students may wear their own mask or face covering, or use a non-medical masks provided by the school.


Staff are required to wear medical masks and, when physical distancing of 2m is difficult, or close contact (less than 2m for more than 15 minutes) with others is expected, eye protection in the form of face shield is also required. Medical masks and other PPE for staff will be provided by the Duncan Academy.

School desks for classes are placed at least 2 meters apart and only 15 students maximum are allowed in a classroom. Students are required to wear non medical mask or face coverings in school

All student sitting and recreational areas in the school are closed as is the school cafeteria. Students are not allowed to congregate in the hallways.

Hand sanitizers are available in  every hall, classroom and bathroom and at the school front desk

A plexi glass barrier has been placed at the front desk of the school

Students will have their temperature taken each day as they enter school and not allowed to enter if they have a fever


The remote learning option is available for some students, and will be available for all, should Public Health decide it is necessary to physically close schools.


International students—how to plan your trip to Canada.


The Duncan Academy will ensure pre-arrival requirements are communicated to international students and any co-arriving immediate family members in advance of travel to Canada. Travelling families must sign a pledge that they have read the instructions regarding travel and quarantine requirements sent By The Duncan Academy and that they agree to adhere to them. The requirements for entering Canada have been translated into Chinese so that families will completely understand the requirements. Families will be sent a document to sign pledging that they understand the requirements and terms under which they can travel to Canada including the quarantine requirements when they arrive. In keeping with following best practices international students and any co-arriving immediate family members are encouraged by The Duncan Academy to download the Government of Canada’s ArriveCAN application prior to arrival at the border and complete the information required.


In keeping with following best practices international students and any co-arriving immediate family members are encouraged by The Duncan Academy to download the Government of Canada’s ArriveCAN application prior to arrival at the border and complete the information required. The school will organize appropriate transportation of international students and any co-arriving immediate family members from their point of entry to Canada to a 14-day quarantine location, consistent with Government of Canada recommendations (e.g. students and families will be provided with new masks) for onward domestic travel; travelling directly to the place of quarantine).The  ArriveCan application should also be used by international students and any co-arriving family members within 48 hours after arrival in Canada, and also for their daily symptom reporting.

In addition students must sign a pledge of their understanding of the prearrival and quarantine  requirements prior to travelling to Canada. This will be provided in documents supplied by DUNCAN ACADEMY.


根据对抗疫情的一些最佳实践,国际学生和即将一起抵达的直系亲属,邓肯学院鼓励大家下载加拿大政府的一个应用程序(APP)- ArriveCAN,在到达边境之前就可以申请并提交入境需要的信息。入境后,学校可以为学生和一起到达的直系亲属安排从机场到隔离住所的接送车辆,整个过程都谨遵加拿大政府的出行建议:如行车全程佩戴口罩,直接送达隔离住所。学生及其家属在到达加拿大48小时内,须使用该应用程序(APP)- ArriveCAN进行登记和每日症状通报。

Mechanisms are in place to accept quarantining international students and any co-arriving immediate family members.


For details on planning your trip to Canada please visit this website:



Students are strongly encouraged to visit the following two websites for travel to Canada updates and regulations before finalizing travel plans:




Students, parents and guardians must follow the directions provided in the websites above when planning their trip, entering Canada, and during the mandatory 14-day self isolation quarantine period.


As is usual in non pandemic conditions, any student under 18 must provide clear designation of custodian status and health care authorization /guardian ship


Arrival in Canada

Procedures are in place to ensure that arriving students and families are picked up and driven to their place of residence by their homestay families. Students, parents and guardians entering Canada will be given a new mask on arrival by the host picking them up at the airport for transportation. They will be screened for signed of Covid19 and then driven driven directly to their home for a 14-day quarantine. Protocols for students and co-arriving family members to be met by the DLI’s representative or designate at the point of entry

Students and co-arriving family, besides being given a new mask  and screened for Covid 19 by the school representative  will be reminded to practice physical distancing and hand hygiene throughout travel.

Students and co-arriving family are reminded that they will also have been  actively screened for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 prior to meeting the school representative at the port of entry

Students and co-arriving family will be taken to their quarantine accommodation in a private transportation arranged by The Duncan Academy. All homestay families have been briefed on the procedures and protocols required for arriving students. Homestay families will review with students and arriving family members the  consequences for breaching quarantine that make specific reference to the federal Quarantine Act, and how any medical care or testing will be facilitated as required during their quarantine. Homestay families will also be given the details of our school policies established  by The Duncan  Academy for the arriving  students, including the additional costs and fees that may be charged to studentsby outside agencies or homestay families to provide quarantine services. Students and family  members must produce a negative test to be allowed to enter the school.

学生,家长以及监护人,到达加拿大后,从机场出来后应该直接回家进行14天的隔离。在此期间,他们必须接受COVID 19核酸检测。只有检测结果呈阴性,才能返校上课。

The Duncan Academy will ensure appropriate individual accommodation options for the 14-day quarantine period are provided consistent with current Orders in Council under the Quarantine Act and guidelines of the Government of Canada, as well as the requirements of the school board/private school’s local and provincial public health authorities.


Domestic students returning from abroad must a produce a negative COVID test result that covers the 14 day period prior to their entry into school.


Transportation from the Point of Entry to the Homestay

The school will organize appropriate transportation of international students and any co-arriving immediate family members from their point of entry to Canada to a 14-day quarantine location, consistent with Government of Canada recommendations (e.g. wearing a mask for onward domestic travel; travelling directly to the place of quarantine).The  ArriveCan application should also be used by international students and any co-arriving family members within 48 hours after arrival in Canada, and also for their daily symptom reporting.

根据对抗疫情的一些最佳实践,国际学生和即将一起抵达的直系亲属,邓肯学院鼓励大家下载加拿大政府的一个应用程序(APP)- ArriveCAN,在到达边境之前就可以申请并提交入境需要的信息。入境后,学校可以为学生和一起到达的直系亲属安排从机场到隔离住所的接送车辆,整个过程都谨遵加拿大政府的出行建议:如行车全程佩戴口罩,直接送达隔离住所。学生及其家属在到达加拿大48小时内,须使用该应用程序(APP)- ArriveCAN进行登记和每日症状通报。

There will be no planned or unplanned stops excluding urgent medical stops during travel to the quarantine site and that students and co-arriving family are expected to arrive at their accommodation directly from their port of entry. If requiring an unplanned and urgent medical care following arrival, en route to quarantine accommodations, the DLI representative or host designate will inform health care providers of the quarantine status of the student (and their co-arriving immediate family) as they have recently arrived to Canada.


Prior to beginning school, students should provide written confirmation to The Duncan Academy that they are symptom free and have a suitable isolation plan ensuring they will not be staying with vulnerable populations or living in a communal or group setting and will have access to the necessities of life.



Conditions of Quarantine

Any breaches of the requirements of the legal  14 day Quarantine will be reported to Public Health, The Ministry of Education and Health Canada. Breaches will be subject to the consequences laid out in the Federal Quarantine by the school Principal. Act :


The Duncan Academy will provide any necessary material or supports to those who need to successfully complete a quarantine. The Duncan Academy will arrange for students and their co arriving family members to be tested for COVID 19 during their quarantine period . The test will be done at the Markham Hospital following their rules and protocols. Homestay families providing the testing support will  provide all the required support by wearing masks, using hand sanitizers and following social distancing rules.


Location: The COVID-19 Assessment Centre is located at the Markham site and cannot be accessed from inside of the hospital. The entrance is located on the south side of the hospital, east of the Emergency Department. Parking is in lot #7.

Hours: Weekdays: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.; weekends and holidays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 9 a.m. — 9 p.m. (Hours may change based on community need and volume)

How to get tested: Screening, assessment and testing is available for individuals in Markham, Stouffville, Uxbridge and surrounding area who meet the criteria.

The centre offers testing for all those who meet the Ministry of Health’s testing criteria. Patients must register by calling 289-378-2419. Pre-registration hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Walk-ins are not accepted

The School will arrange for an appointment and the homestay family will provide the students and co arriving family members with a fresh mask for transportation ,their vehicle for transportation and a ride back to the quarantine home.

Homestay families will receive the following direction re the requirements for Quarantine accommodation for their students:

Each student or student family unit will have their own room with a private bathroom

Protocols will be established  to provide  appropriate accommodations to properly support disabilities or other health conditions.

The details of logistics for supporting students and their family members with essential needs throughout the full duration of the quarantine period will provide:

-Information provided before arrival about accommodation settings

-The provision of a private room and bathroom for students and family members

-Arrangements that can be made for guests with disabilities:

-              Food and water

-              Medical care, including testing

-              Mental health supports

-              Social supports

-              Phone or internet services

-              Environmental cleaning protocols

Protocols for encouraging students and their family members to self-monitor and use the ArriveCAN app for their daily symptom reporting

Protocols will be established within the home to provide daily monitoring of the students and their immediate family for the duration of their quarantine. The school will communicate , through phone calls, texts, or emails with the homestay family to monitor for:

-              Development of new symptoms

-              Compliance with the quarantine

-              Ensuring their essential needs are met

Procedures are established between the homestay family, students and school that will ensure the host family and school are notified if students, family members or hosts develop symptoms and require medical care, including COVID-19 testing.

Protocols for implementing COVID-19 testing, arranged for by The Duncan Academy of all students who have entered Canada prior to the start of their studies will  be explained to homestay families and they will also discuss the information with students. This will reviewed again at any point during quarantine for symptomatic individuals.

Where testing will not take place in the same site as the quarantine, families will provide private transportation to the testing site and back home from the quarantine facility. Anyone travelling to the testing facility will be provided with a non-medical masks along with any other required  personal protective equipment, as well as  practising social distancing, and follow protocols for limiting any unnecessary contact with any other person while outside of quarantine for testing purposes.

Communication plans that provide COVID-19 resources and information to students and their families  are accessible (e.g. plain language, pictures, symbols, available as needed in languages other than English and French). The Duncan Academy is providing information in Chinese as well as English to Homestay families, students and any related family member. This document as evidenced here will have the necessary sections translated into Chinese as the student population at the Duncan Academy is from China

Quarantine Support


The Duncan Academy in close alliance with its homestay families will provide support for all quarantined individuals throughout the 14-day period. The school will be in daily contact with the homestay family. The support  will include but not be  limited to:


•             food, medical care, other necessities of life so no that individual will be required to break quarantine at any point;


•             COVID-19 infection control information and training; and


•             regular and robust monitoring of quarantined individuals throughout the 14-day period for COVID-19 symptoms, general well-being, and compliance with quarantine requirements, with emphasis on individual COVID-19 infection control practices. Students will be either phoned or texted daily.


These measures are designed to solicit information about the students and families to establish if they are developing new symptoms, complying with quarantine and having their essential needs met

Students and families will have the contact numbers of their host family members as well as school officials to notify of any changes in their health or require a COVID  Test


Post Quarantine Support


The Duncan Academy will ensure ongoing communication and resources on COVID-19 are provided to students following quarantine both at school and through the homestay families

The school will support international students and any immediate family members after they complete their 14-day quarantine period. The school counsellor will provide:


•             mental and physical health, anti-racism, and COVID-19 stigma supports; and


•             mitigation of social barriers to support student compliance with individual COVID-19 infection control practices.


The Duncan Academy will keep records regarding any students or co arriving family members regarding the completion of their quarantine

The school will endeavour to keep the students and their families up to date with information and resources regarding COVID 19. The information will be provided by the Principal

The school will continue to provide ongoing support post quarantine  for students who  are required to extend their quarantine period for any reason including testing positive for COVID19.

Planning the School Year


We appreciate that parents may have questions about the 2020-2021 school year, in particular the Fall semester. The Duncan Academy is working diligently to ensure courses continue to meet our high standards of academic rigour and learner experience. As the COVID-19 pandemic evolves, The Duncan Academy takes guidance from the Ontario Ministry of Education and Toronto Public Health regarding measures that are needed for school opening and programming.



The Duncan Academy values our International students. To assist with your 2020-2021 school year planning, below are two options:


Option 1: Secondary students can choose to take Duncan Academy online courses while staying in their home country. Students can enroll in 2 credit courses, which are 8 weeks in duration. When travel restrictions are lifted, students can travel to Toronto to join their classmates. Details on the available online courses will be posted on our website at a later time.



Option 2: When travel restrictions are lifted, students report to The Duncan Academy as originally planned. Programming may be offered as face to-face classes, or a combination of face-to-face and online or fully online. Details will be released by The Duncan Academy at a later time.



We hope the above options will help families make plans. Please do not hesitate to contact us at:




Specific School Management Protocols for the controlling of the COVID 19 virus at school.

Outbreak and Case Management Plan

The school plan is shared with all staff, students and parents through document sharing ,meetings and web site postings

关于防控COVID 19病毒的校园管理制度:

The Duncan Academy Academy is committed to support local public health units in York Region with it’s case management and outbreak response in the community. The school has already been in contact with a liaison person in Public Health for York region to review our protocols and procedures for dealing with the pandemic.

The school has established protocols, roles and responsibilities for all school  staff, representatives, and/or designates that include:

-              Reviewing with staff the school’s Public Health Institutional Readiness Plan

-              Training on COVID-19 infection prevention and control practices, including how to use personal protective equipment (non medical masks) as required and social distancing and the washing of hands regularly through the day and using hand sanitizers placed in every classroom and around the school in publicaly used areas. This includes the setting up of classrooms to achieve this objective and providing a seating plan to the Principal

-              Provision of personal protective equipment and other resources to staff and students required to complete their tasks

As outlined in this plan the custodial families for our under age students (under 18 years old) must have  a clear designation of custodian status and health care authorization/guardianship. These documents proving this are maintained in the student’s OSR.

Records of the student and their immediate co-arriving family’s completion of the quarantine period will also be filed in the student’s OSR document .

A fulltime cleaner has been hired to continually clean surfaces within the school during the day.This will cleaner will use cleaning materials recommended in the Public Health Ontario’s Cleaning and Disinfection for Public Settings document.

The Duncan Academy has a plan in place to support public health units in outbreak response in its community, including stakeholder communications and assistance with contact tracing, and this plan aligns with local and provincial public health guidelines.




Protocol for Daily Management of students and staff

Students have been asked to self monitor at home for symptoms. They have been linked to the self assessment link in the Public health website. They have been told to not go to school if they have symptoms. Every student and staff member has been given a map of Covid 19 testing facilities so they are clear which one is close to their school and home

Students and staff are monitored daily by screening their temperatures as they arrive at school. All staff and students have been briefed on the requirement to wear masks, socially distance and remain within the class cohort. Students and staff eat lunch in the same classroom there is no movement around the school except to go to the bathroom

In the event of a suspected or confirmed case on an on-campus residential setting,  there is a plan to ensure successful self-isolation of this individual, including provision of self-isolation facilities and essential services to support this isolation.

The school has hired a full time cleaner who ensures that every school surface is wiped down every 2 hours using protocols and cleaning materials as directed in Public Health Ontario’s Cleaning and  Disinfection for Public Settings document


Management of ill individuals during school hours

This section applies to students, staff or other members or visitors to the school community, who become ill during the school day and on school premises. The school will provide a list to students and staff of testing centers. The one closest to the school is

Location: Accessed via a dedicated entrance near the A-wing of the hospital parallel to Major Mackenzie Drive.


Hours: Monday to Friday: 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.; weekends and holidays: 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Hours are subject to change and will be updated at




Location: 9401 Jane Street next to the Mackenzie Health Urgent Care Centre. Follow the directional signage on site.

Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. (Hours are subject to change and will be updated here).

How to get tested:

Contact Mackenzie Health 905-883-1212 ext. 2004. If you have previously been a patient at the hospital, you can book online with your MyChart account 24-7. A physician will determine whether or not you need to be tested for COVID-19 following an examination.If your symptoms worsen, visit your local emergency department.


Location: The COVID-19 Assessment Centre is located at the Markham site and cannot be accessed from inside of the hospital. The entrance is located on the south side of the hospital, east of the Emergency Department. Parking is in lot #7.

Hours: Weekdays: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.; weekends and holidays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 9 a.m. — 9 p.m. (Hours may change based on community need and volume)

How to get tested: Screening, assessment and testing is available for individuals in Markham, Stouffville, Uxbridge and surrounding area who meet the criteria.

The centre offers testing for all those who meet the Ministry of Health’s testing criteria. Patients must register by calling 289-378-2419. Pre-registration hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.Walk-ins are not accepted.The Assessment Centre will no longer be testing patients who do not have symptoms of COVID-19 or asymptomatic people who do not meet the Ministry of Health’s guidelines. Before coming to the Assessment Centre, call Telehealth 1-866-797-0000, your family doctor or complete the online self assessment tool to determine the best course of action.If you need emergency assistance. go to the Emergency Department. If you need urgent medical care, call 911 and inform the dispatcher of your symptoms, travel or contact history and concerns about COVID-19.Individuals who have preregistered will be asked to check-in at the nursing station; a physician will assess those who have symptoms prior to being tested.For more information, visit the hospital's COVID-19 page.


While more pharmacies will be announced in coming weeks, the only drugstore in York Region offering the tests in the initial round is the Rexall at 90 Copper Creek Dr., near Hwy. 407 and Boxgrove Bypass.

Starting Friday, Sept. 25, the pharmacy will be offer free testing by appointment only to individuals with no symptoms of COVID-19. Those seeking testing must follow all public health measures when going for a test, including wearing a mask, physical distancing and frequent handwashing. If you are feeling ill on


Students will be made aware, in age-appropriate and non-stigmatizing language, how to identify symptoms of COVID-19 and should be instructed to speak to a staff member immediately if they feel ill.

The Duncan Academy will maintain a personal protective equipment (PPE) kit specifically for managing students or others who become ill during school hours.

If an individual, including students, staff, contractors, visitors, parents, guardians, becomes ill while at school, including before and after school care affiliated with the school, Duncan Academy will follow the recommended procedures that propose:

-anyone providing care to the ill individual should maintain as much physical distance as possible

-the staff person caring for the individual should wear a surgical/procedural mask and eye protection

-if tolerated, the ill individual should also wear a surgical/procedural mask

-hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette should be practiced while the ill individual is waiting to be picked up

-cleaning of the isolation room area and other areas of the school where the ill individual was should be conducted as soon as reasonably possible after the ill individual leaves

-advise the ill individual and/or their parent or guardian to have the ill individual seek medical advice, including the recommendation of testing for COVID-19 as appropriate or as advised by their medical provider. Ensure direction is aligned with screening and return to school direction

-initiate communication protocols and plans to update and inform necessary stakeholders within the school community while maintaining confidentiality of the ill individual

-regular school functions can continue unless directed otherwise by the local public health unit

-A list of students and staff in the school who were in contact with/in the same cohort as the ill individual should be prepared. Those who are identified as potential close contacts should remain cohorted. The local PHU will provide any further direction on testing and isolation of these contacts, if necessary. In most instances testing and isolation would only be recommended for contacts of a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis.

COVID 19 Testing at School

As Covid test packs become available the school will order them and students will be able to do the test at school to establish if they have Covid 19.The administering of the test will be done in accordance with Public Health protocols established when the test is available.

Any cases of COVID !9 will be reported by the Principal to York Region Public hHalth and the Ministry of Education


Scenario: A student becomes ill during the school day.

A self isolation room is provided for the individual who may be ill until they can be safely transported away from the school to either home, test centre or emergency room.

Communication will be established with all staff members and students, signs will be posted at the school entrances and a posting will be made on the school website

The following actions also apply to an individual, including students, staff, contractors, visitors, parents or guardians, who becomes ill while at school, including before and after school care affiliated with the school.


Recommended action by teacher

The teacher should:

-be aware of symptom descriptions and alert the principal if a student is ill

-continue to monitor students and themselves for symptoms

Recommended action by Principal

The Principal should:

-coordinate immediate student pick-up and designate an area to isolate the student until parent/guardian arrival

-advise student and any staff attending to them to use provided PPE kit

-advise student to remain at home and continue with remote learning, if they are well enough to do so

-if required, advise entire staff of the concern while protecting confidentiality and responding with sensitivity in the circumstances

-ensure/coordinate environmental cleaning and/or disinfection of the space and items used by the individual(s)

-monitor school population for possible new/additional illnesses

-report in the daily attendance tracking tool as necessary


Recommended action by parent and student

The parent and student should:

-follow guidance of a health care provider

-follow guidance under return to school section

if a student is tested for COVID-19, follow the guidance of health care provider and related direction for isolation and returning to school. If there are other siblings or members of the household that attend school or childcare centres, advice of the health care provider should be followed on returning to school/child care centres

Management of individuals exposed to COVID-19 outside of the school

This section applies to individuals closely related to a school community, such as bus drivers, parents or members of a student’s or staff member’s household, who test positive for COVID-19 outside of the school.



They should:

- Make necessary arrangements in place to support continuity of education for students who require isolation.

Situations will arise where students, staff, or teachers may be exposed to COVID-19 outside of the school environment (for example, to family members that don’t attend the school, social contacts outside of school).


Household members and others who live with the individual who has tested positive should isolate for 14 days.

Commitment to follow the protocols in the plan

The Duncan Academy will meet the requirements set out in this table for as long as it appears on the federal list of designated institutions.

Ministry Regulations regarding daily School Management and COVID 19

The Duncan Academy has a protocol for notifying local and provincial authorities of:

  • Any compliance issues within the 14-day mandatory quarantine period; and

Any cases of COVID-19 infection during the 14-day mandatory quarantine period.

The Ministry of Health maintains case definitions for a probable case and a confirmed case. These definitions are maintained on the Ontario Ministry of Health site and are subject to updating. Please refer to the Ministry site for the most current version of these key definitions.


Provincial closure protocols

The local public health unit (PHU) is responsible for determining if an outbreak exists, declaring an outbreak, and providing direction on outbreak control measures to be implemented. The outbreak case definition is listed below. However, even though an outbreak may be declared in the school, the public health unit will assist in determining which cohort(s) may be sent home or if a partial or full school closure is required based on the scope of the outbreak. Please note, there may be variability in scenarios based on local context and epidemiology.


An outbreak in a school is defined as two or more lab-confirmed COVID-19 cases in students and/or staff in a school with an epidemiological link, within a 14-day period, where at least one case could have reasonably acquired their infection in the school (including transportation and before or after school care).


The local public health unit will work with the school to determine epidemiological links (e.g., cases in the same class, cases that are part of the same before/after school care cohort, cases that have assigned bus seats in close proximity to each other). The PHU will determine which cohorts are high risk contacts requiring isolation.


Reopening the school

The outbreak does not necessarily need to be over to re-open the school. Cohorts without evidence of transmission can be gradually brought back to school as additional information and test results become available. Consideration will be given to implementing additional preventive measures and active surveillance as part of re-opening.


Outbreak declared over

An outbreak will be declared over by the PHU. This may be based on:


-at least 14 days from the last outbreak associated case (including in a student, staff, essential visitor, or anyone else in the school during the outbreak)

-no further symptomatic individuals with tests pending

Outbreak responsibilities

As part of the outbreak response, there are well understood roles, responsibilities, and processes within the school to deal with the outbreak. The Principal will be the liaison with Public Health.


The Duncan Academy is responsible for:

-reporting a probable or confirmed COVID-19 case associated with the school to the local PHU and to the Ministry of Education through the daily reporting tool where they have become aware of such a case

-reporting absenteeism to the PHU and to EDU through the daily reporting tool, in accordance with provincial and/or local PHU direction


Local PHUs are responsible for:

-determining if an outbreak in a school exists

-managing the outbreak in collaboration with the school and other relevant partners

-determining when the outbreak can be declared over

-role of school administrators



The Principal should:

-implement prevention measures found in guidance from the Ministry of Education (EDU), Ministry of Health (MOH) and the local PHU.The Principal will be the contact person with York Region Public health and the Ministry of Education

-cooperate with the local PHU, and other stakeholders as required

-communicate with early years partners about COVID-19 in schools and boards

-maintain accurate records of staff, students and visitors. Schools should be able to produce information regarding the students and staff members in any and all class cohort(s) (for example: classroom, bus, before and after school programs, extra-curricular activities)

This information should include up-to-date attendance records and contact information for those groups and should be provided to the PHU within 24 hours of request to ensure timely follow-up.

In general the school will not report all instances of ill individuals in the school setting to the PHU as these are frequent occurrences and typically students have non-specific symptoms, however, as required by Section 28 of the Health Protection and Promotion Act, the school principal is required to report to the medical officer of health if he is of the opinion that a pupil has or may have a communicable disease.

The Principal should connect with the PHU if they have concerns about student(s) related absences or attendance concerns within their school community.

The local PHU may be consulted if there are questions about the management of individuals with symptoms, environmental cleaning, and other measures, as necessary.

The public health unit is responsible for conducting case and contact management activities and measures will be taken to ensure privacy and avoid disclosure of details to the school community that would lead to identification of a COVID-19 laboratory confirmed case.


Communicating with the school community.

There are protocols for daily check ins with students, family members, staff and homestay placements by text and phone. The  school protocols provide daily monitoring of the students and their immediate family for the duration of a  quarantine, through phone calls, texts, or emails by the school  representative or their designate for:

-              Development of new symptoms

-              Compliance with the quarantine

-              Ensuring their essential needs are met

This plan will be posted for the school community on the school website

The Duncan Academy will support the promotion of reliable, accurate messages about COVID-19, including COVID-19 related stigma ( and anti-racism supports.

The Covid-19 testing locations close to school and home are posted in the school website:


The Duncan Academy has a protocol for publicly communicating outbreaks of COVID-19 affecting or implicating international students and any immediate family members including, but not limited to, signage posted at entrances and in public spaces, and through online communication, such as websites and social media.

Teachers and have staff have received the Covid management plan, and the plan is reviewed weekly at the weekly staff meeting. Staff are encouraged to ask questions and review procedures within the school weekly

Parents, students and staff have an understandable interest in knowing when a COVID-19 positive case has been identified in their school. Duncan Academy will create a COVID-19 advisory section on their website. Duncan Academy will post information if there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 that involves a student or a staff member in a school setting. Notice of any closures of classes, cohorts or schools will be posted on the COVID-19 advisory sections.

Students or staff members may withdraw from school if a family or household member has a confirmed case of COVID-19 but information will not be posted in these instances.

In the interests of privacy, information provided to school communities will not identify the student or staff member that has received a positive COVID-19 test.

If public health advises that a class, cohort or a school should be closed for a period of time, parents, students and staff will be notified immediately.

The Duncan Academy will communicate with students and families how to access culturally sensitive primary care health services, mental health service and supports social services and community organizations relevant to each students needs and also  any anti racism or Covid 19 counselling will be provided as required. In addition the school counsellor will work to mitigate any social barriers that might impeded student compliance with individual COVID 19 infection control practices.

The following letter has been mailed to all parents of students at The Duncan Academy



Letter to Parents



Dear Parent/Guardian:


With the 2020-21 school year underway, I would like to tell you about the actions we are taking to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 in our school. This letter also includes information about what you can do to protect yourself and your family.


The most common symptoms of COVID-19 (PDF) include:


•             Fever (temperature of 37.8°C or greater)

•             New or worsening cough

•             Shortness of breath (dyspnea)


Other symptoms of COVID-19 can include:


•             Sore throat

•             Difficulty swallowing

•             New olfactory or taste disorder(s)

•             Nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain

•             Runny nose, or nasal congestion (in absence of underlying reasons for these symptoms such as seasonal allergies, post nasal drip, etc.)


You must screen your child for symptoms every day before they come to school. You can use the Ministry of Health’s Ministry of Health’s Ontario COVID-19 self-assessment tool for this purpose. If your child has any symptoms of COVID-19 or if they are ill, they should not attend school. You should report your child’s absence from school by contacting us at: [Insert details on reporting student absence].

Students who become ill during the day will be isolated and must be picked up from school as soon as possible. Symptomatic students will not be able to use student transportation.

Please consult the Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 reference document for symptoms (PDF) for other clinical features of COVID-19 and when atypical signs and symptoms of COVID-19 should be considered, particularly in children.

If you’re worried your child or any member of your household has been exposed to COVID-19 or has symptoms, you use Ministry of Health’s Ontario COVID-19 self- assessment tool. You will get a recommendation on what to do next.

We are working with our local Public Health Unit to take steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our school and will keep you updated with new information as it becomes available. To reduce the risk of COVID-19 in our school, multiple measures have been implemented, for example, enhanced cleaning and reducing the number of contacts among individuals in the school, including students, staff, and others.


The Ontario Ministry of Health advises everyone to take an active role in protecting themselves from COVID-19. Here are a few things that you and your family can do:


•             wash your hands often with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer

•             sneeze and cough into your sleeve

•             avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth

•             avoid contact with people who are sick

•             stay home and isolate if you or anyone in your household is sick


For more information on COVID-19 please visit


If you have any questions about what our school is doing, please let me know.





Stephen Harris


Commitment to follow the protocols in the plan

The Duncan Academy will meet the requirements set out in this table for as long as it appears on the federal list of designated institutions.